Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Administrative Duties

网赌的十大网站已授权机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)负责审查和书面批准所有涉及脊椎动物使用的研究和相关教学活动, conducted under the auspices of a school, 部门, or other unit within the University.

动物安全与护理的范围超出了实验室和赞助的研究,包括将动物带到校园进行教育, demonstrational and/or campus-wide events.

监督这些职能的行政责任已委托给由大学首席学术官任命的国际学术委员会主席. CAO还根据联邦政策的要求担任研究监督官员. 在本质上, 大学民政事务处为委员会当然委员, but not as its chair. The CAO will sign off on all recommendations of the committee, 因为他/她在法律上有权代表该机构发言和行动,因此有责任监督在大学支持下进行的研究.



  • A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 谁在实验动物科学和医学或有关物种的使用方面获得认证或受过培训或有经验
  • At least one practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals
  • One member of the RWU administrative staff
  • RWU safety officer
  • 一名科学组以外的成员(但在文理学院内)
  • 一名代表正确照顾和使用动物的一般社区利益的公众成员. The public member shall not be a laboratory animal user, be affiliated with the institution, 或者是与该机构有关联的人的直系亲属. 该个人将由大学的CAO任命,并且将无偿服务.

学校的成员由院长提名,由学校CAO正式任命. 院长应该任命在动物研究方面有经验的成员.

委员任期三年,每年9月1日至9月1日止. 委员会成员的任命是错开的,因此在任何时候只有两名新成员加入董事会.

Responsibilities of the Chair

  • scheduling monthly IACUC meetings and leading the review of proposals
  • 领导制定和完善IACUC准则和程序的过程
  • 与教师沟通指导方针、会议时间和委员会裁决的变化
  • maintaining the IACUC information on the website
  • notifying the CAO when new committee members need to be chosen
  • maintaining IACUC records and archives

每次会议均应记录会议记录,包括委员会的所有裁决. The responsibility for this shall rotate among the Committee members. Minutes and rulings shall be made available after the Committee meetings, as consistent with RWU policy.

After review and inspection, a written report, signed by a majority of the IACUC, 应向该机构负责的行政官员报告动物护理和使用计划以及联邦要求的其他活动的状况, 状态, or local 规定 and policies.

Responsibilities of IACUC

IACUC at Roger Williams University shall:

  • 确保所有活动符合人道关怀和使用这些动物的道德和法律要求.
  • 审查, at least every six months, the institutional program for the humane care and use of animals in research, education and 培训.
  • 检查, at least every six months, all animal facilities for compliance with approved standards for hygiene.
  • 审查 and approve, require modifications, or withhold approval of all protocols for the use of animals in research, teaching or 培训.
  • 审查 and approve, require modifications, or withhold approval of all changes or amendments to approved protocols.
  • 每年至少重新审查一次有关动物使用的所有协议,以包括活动的现状, compliance with the protocol, and changes in IACUC policy or procedures. No less than once every three years, 该委员会将完成对这些活动的实质性重新审查和重新核准.
  • 在一个人被批准参与实验方案之前,评估所有参与动物护理和使用的人员的素质. The review qualifications include academic degrees, specific 培训, research experiences, and completion of the online 培训 course.
  • 审查 specific concerns or complaints about animal care or use.
  • 就RWU动物护理和使用计划的各个方面向机构官员(首席学术官)提出建议. Significant deficiencies in the institutional program must be identified, 该机构必须遵守批准的计划和时间表来纠正缺陷.
  • 授权暂停不符合IACUC现行标准的动物使用活动, or with applicable laws, 规定, or institutional policies.
  • 确保审稿人与提交给委员会的方案没有利益冲突.